Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel that from doing the music task from the preliminary task I have improved loads. I feel that the change in work and the prestation of my work has improved to a new level. As you can see when look at the front covers that I have done for the first task and the music magazine the improvement is big. On the first task when creating the title for the student magazine I used word art because that was the only way that I felt I could create the title for the magazine. However when creating the music magazine I learnt that you could use da fonts to get the style of font that you wanted. Then when I got the style of font that I want to use I paint to create the colour in the title and the background behind the title of the magazine. In the preliminary task I used two photographs as the background for my student magazine, which looking back know made the magazine look a bit confusing as the same girl was on both of the photographs that I had used for the cover. When I did the music magazine I put one photograph as the entire background which I feel makes the magazine look more professional. I also when looking at my front cover the improvement that I made was using bright colour texts and in some areas of the magazine I would put a bright colour background. When I made the student magazine front cover I put the information on the cover in word art and left the information in certain places. I put the master heading at the top of the page , the price in the right side of the page and the issue below the master heading. With the music magazine I put the master on one side and below that I put the price. With the cover lines I put them around the page, I also made sure that the cover lines weren’t covering any of the girls faces.
I feel in the first task I was unsure in the way to presented may work; also I feel that I didn’t have the skills to make my work looking professional. When I did my preliminary task the quality of the photographs I was taken was poor quality and I found that the photographs looked a bit blur. In the music magazine task the quality of my photograph taken has improved to make the photographs look very professionally. I feel the reason for my photographs improving in quality is because I have gained more practice in take the standard of photographs that I need for a magazine. I feel that I have learnt how to mix the colours to make the colours right for my target audience I feel that in the preliminary task I was too unsure of what to do. In the first task I was putting the work together without really think about where I should put the photographs or the texts, where as in the second task I felted that I could try different methods of creating the pages. I felted more confident in trying different colours together and putting the texts in different ways over the page. I feel that in the second task I could put the texts in colour and try out different methods with the text to make the text stand out on the page.
The improvements that I have made to my contents page are that I have put on my music magazine is a welcoming message from the editor and a photograph of myself. The welcome message was not my contents page, but I decided to add the welcome message to create and change the way my contents page looked. I felted the welcome message add to my page the look of a professional had created the page. In the preliminary task I had just put the word contents that I had create in word art. However when I created the music magazine contents page I not only put on the same master heading that I had put on my front cover. I also used da fonts to create the style of font that I wanted to use and then I went to paint and put a colour background behind the word. When I did one of the first drafts you will see that I had the colour pink behind the word contents, but I change the colour blue to make sure that my contents page wasn’t pink all the way through the page. I have also progressed on my contents page in the fact that instead of using one column of contents I have used to columns. On the first task I used the colour black when writing out the contents page. When I created the music magazine contents page I put the headings in a dark pink and the actually contents in a light purple. I feel when comparing the two contents pages that the music magazine contents page is huge improvement to the student magazines contents page. With the music magazine I feel that I was more experienced in how to create a contents page and feel that I learnt how I need to make the magazine look professional.
When I did the preliminary task we didn’t create a double page spread, so haven’t made improvements on the first page that I have create. However when creating my double page spread for my music magazine I used the improvements that I had made on my other pages to steer me in the right direction for creating a double page spread. When creating my double page spread I used things that I had learnt when creating my front cover and contents page to help me create a professional looking double page spread. When creating my double page spread I used the same master heading from my other pages. With the name of the Candy Girls as the group of the band I wanted to make it stand out from the page. When I was creating ideas for how to make the name Candy Girls stand out I started of with putting colours in the letter and having a colour background. However I made the decision when was creating the double page spread to make the name Candy Girls in to a black colour and to have the name in bold. Then behind the name I decided to have dark pink behind to make the name stand out on the page. With actually article I put the question in a dark pink, so that it was easier for the reader to see what the questions are. The band contains four girls, so I gave each girl a colour so that the reader could understand who was giving the answer. Also when the girl was answering a question I put the name of the girl at the side. (Zoe, Jade, Sarah and Chrissies.) At the started of the double page and the end of the page I put a welcome message and a goodbye message. When I first created the page I didn’t have this messages, but I decided to make the magazine look more professional I should add these messages. I put a main image of the group together and then on the image I put the name of Candy Girls in a dark pink and then I put a quote in white that one of the girls say. (“We have been the best of friends ever since.”) In the last column of the double page spread I have filled the page up with photographs of the group of girls. If I created the double page spread in the first task I believe that it would not look as good as my double page spread looks know.
I feel that the doing the preliminary task helped me to see how the pages need to be created for my music magazine. I feel that when I was doing the music magazine I was trying different styles to create the prefect balance. I feel that my work has improved since I did the preliminary task. When looking back at the preliminary task I feel that by doing the task I could see what I need to do to create a good magazine and could learn some new techniques to make a magazine.
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