Name for music magazine

Friday, 19 November 2010

Textual anaysis of magazines

Textual analysis of magazines
 The name of the student magazine is student ID.
The textual analysis of the student magazine front cover,
The masthead of the magazine is the name of the magazine, which is student Id. The masthead for the magazine is bold , so that people who buy the magazine catch their eye on the title.  The  target audience for this is student because the magazine is wanting to get the audience  to buy the magazine. The target audience for this magazine is the students. The brand identity for this magazine is the mastheading which is Student ID. The layout of the front cover tells you the price of the magazine and the issue of the magazine. The price of the magazine is 60p because the people that make the magazine want the target audince to be able to buy the magazine. The layout of the magazine is kept simple and bright and bold colours because the maker of the magazine wants to catch the target audience eye. The colour scheme of the magazine is put in place to relate to the students who buy the magazine to catch their eye.The colours that are used on the front cover are clashing colours which wouldn't normally be used together.The colours are orange,yellow and pink, all these colours are the summer colours. The colours of this magazine are used to catch the target audience they want to have.

The imagery that is used on the front cover is ice creams, the ice creams and the sun are used to represent to the student the time of the year that the magazine has been issued. The front cover has information on it to get the the audience wanting to buy the magazine The front cover  has know photos or pictures of people, the cover is a front cover with words and colours on it.

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